
I am a CNRS senior research scientist in the field of Computational Oceanography. With my colleague Thierry Penduff, we are leading the MEOM group at the Institute of Environmental Geosciences in Grenoble, France.

I am involved in the development of the NEMO ocean/sea-ice model. I am also a member of CLIVAR Ocean Model Development pannel and a member of SWOT Science Team.

My main interest is in ocean fine scale processes, namely oceanic processes with scales < 200km. I am curious about how they can be observed from space, how they affect large-scale ocean circulation and climate and how they can be represented in ocean models and prediction systems. My research is mostly focused on ocean fine scale processes at mid and high latitudes.

My work involves designing and exploiting realistic ocean model simulations covering a range of different scales and physical processes. To this purpose, I use a range of numerical tools and also contribute to their development. Because I believe software plays an essential role in scientific undertakings, I try to contribute to the sustainable development of scientific software.

I am curious to see how machine learning and differentiable programming could improve the numerical tools and data processing pipelines in oceanography and climate science. Most of my current projects follow those lines and I also co-chair the NEMO working group on Machine Learning and Model Uncertainties.

I am also excited about the transition towards more scientific reproducibility in all the fields of modern science. I agree with the reproducibility PI manifesto by Lorena Barba. I endorse the science code manifesto. I am a member of NumFOCUS (open code = better science).